The Netherlands is a magazine country
A significant part of the magazines published in Europe are unfortunately not yet available in stores via single copy sales. Therefor we founded VMBpress.
The objective of VMBpress
The aim is to give these magazines the opportunity to present themselves in single-copy sales, to increase brand awareness and to support subscriber recruitment campaigns. The participating points of sale can distinguish themselves with these titles and serve the customer better.
Little administrative burdens
VMBpress wants to achieve this with as little administrative hassle as possible for the publisher and the points of sale. The distribution of the magazines should be equally pleasant for all parties. The publisher receives a fixed percentage of the numbers sold and increases brand awareness for its magazine. The point of sale receives high purchase discounts. And the reader who does not want to take out a subscription right away can now buy his or her magazine in the store. VMBpress keeps communication lines short and takes its customers into account.
Course Of Action
VMBpress works on the basis of the right of return. The point of sale receives an invoice for the copies actually sold. The publisher receives the publisher's share of this. The points of sale receive a minimum purchase discount of 25% if they offer one VMBpress title. A graduated scale is offered for several titles, up to a maximum purchase discount of 40%.
De uitgever ontvangt tussen 35% en 40 % van de netto verkoopprijs per daadwerkelijk verkocht nummer, afhankelijk van de afzet.
Het verkooppunt wordt zes keer per jaar gefactureerd. De uitgever ontvangt iedere twee maanden van VMBpress een overzicht van de omzet en de door VMBpress aan de uitgever af te dragen gelden. Zo blijft de administratieve rompslomp tot een minimum beperkt.
More information
Would you like more information about offering your magazine in single-copy sales? Please contact Guido Sanders on 0251-257 935 or send an email to